AMA Cherries

AMA Cherries

Product data sheet

Cherries AMA are a pleasure to eat and see.

Our cherries are always the earliest ones, because they are looking forward to seeing you!

They have plenty of benefits for your health and make you feel good. Thanks to melatonin cherries slow down the aging process and their fiber content help them get the excess cholesterol and waste, removing it and helping you purifying your organism.

  •  Variety:

Early Lory, Early Biggi, Burlat, Primer Giant, Sonata, Skeena, Lapins, Sweet Heart, Sweet Charm.

  • Unique features:

Grown at 850m, natural pollination.

  • Sales months:

From end of April to August.

  • Packaging:

tray 30×20, 2 kilos
tray 40×30, 5 kilos

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